Our Engagement in Seattle, Washington

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We’re engaged! Well, we have been since September. But, since I launched my website after the fact, I wanted to share the beautiful photos that were taken of our engagement.

We were on vacation for a week starting in Seattle and ending our trip by flying all the way to the opposite side of the country to Miami. Before you ask why the heck we decided to do that - Connor travels a ton for work, so, I piggyback off of his work trips and fly to the same cities as him. We will get free stay (depending on how long work has him in that city) and comped meals (for him). It saves us a lot in cost because his travel is covered as well, so we can splurge a little more on extended stays and activities. Planning on doing a post on traveling with rewards points/credit card perks soon!

The day we got engaged was actually pretty funny + not what I had expected. I woke up kind of in a funk, mainly because it was pretty gloomy and I was just wanting a nice sunny day…clearly I forgot what Seattle’s weather was like. We grabbed dinner at a super cute breakfast spot and Connor wouldn’t stop telling me how beautiful I looked which I was very confused about because I wasn’t being the nicest to him haha. After, we decided we wanted to go on a hike. We went to the massive REI store and he bought me a pair of cute hiking boots which also had me feeling confused because I already had a pair at the airbnb we were staying at!

We headed to Mount Rainier National Park - Specifically Mowich Lake. It took us forever to drive up into these mountains and I was having a panic attack because it had started raining and I felt like our car was going to fall off this cliff (I am terrified of heights so this was not a fun drive for me). I felt super uneasy and sick to my stomach so I was not in a good mood. We finally arrived after hours of driving. It’s raining more and more, I’m freezing, and Connor is acting so weird I couldn’t figure out what was up with him.

He decided he should go “find out where the best trail to hike would be” so he took off and I stayed in the car. He was gone for a little while and then he comes running back and says he needs to go scout a different trail. He leaves and then finally comes back the last time and says he saw a moose and I had to come see! So we start our “hike” which was about 20 feet to this lake. I kept thinking…this is the easiest hike ever! We get to the edge of Mowich Lake and it is breath taking. I don’t even care that it’s raining - the fog, trees and water were unlike anything I had seen. Connor started talking to me about how much he loves me and then he got down on one knee…and…I burst into tears. Then I said yes.

Our great friend and insanely talented photographer, Ayren, popped out of the trees with her camera and I started sobbing. Connor flew her out to capture this special moment and this is one of the million reasons why I love him so much! Here are some photos from that special day.

Right after I saw Ayren with her camera…in complete shock and ugly crying!!!

Right after I saw Ayren with her camera…in complete shock and ugly crying!!!

Complete happiness.

Complete happiness.

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