Weekday Unwind with Pomelo




Taking a bit of time after work and between all of the wedding planning is much needed. I feel like I get so stressed with everything going on that I just need to take a bit of time to unwind. I’m sharing a few ways I like to have a bit of me-time during the crazy work week!

1. Enjoy a glass of wine

After a long day of work, it’s nice to just come home, open a bottle of wine, and relax. Or if you’re still working from home, there’s nothing stopping you from starting happy hour a little earlier! I’m a white wine & rosé kind of girl, so one of those is usually my go-to. I’ve been drinking the Pomelo Sauvignon Blanc since Labor Day Weekend and it’s one of my absolute favorites.

2. Open a book or listen to a podcast

I am a sucker for a good story - turning on my favorite podcast or getting into a good book helps me relax and get out of my own head. With everything going on in the world, there’s nothing wrong with escaping for at least a few moments. When your mind is going a mile a minute, it’s nice to just unwind with your favorite novel or self-help podcast.

3. Go on a walk

It’s about as simple as that. Nothing like winding down your day with a little walk. Something so simple that will just immediately leave you with your thoughts and have you feeling so much better! This is definitely something I need to do more of. Now that it is officially Fall, I’m excited about the amazing weather!

4. Try a new recipe

I love mastering a new recipe - whether it’s baking a healthy treat, a new crockpot dinner recipe, or making a new smoothie concoction. I love browsing through Pinterest and finding a recipe my fiance and I want and then that’s something we both can look forward to and make together! Also, there is just something about cooking while drinking a glass of wine and with your favorite music blasting - if you know, you know.

5. Up your skincare game

Light some candles, put on your favorite face mask, and pour yourself a glass of wine. Turning on my favorite Netflix show and knowing that I’m giving my skin some much needed R&R is the perfect way to unwind during the week.



As I mentioned I am a total white wine and rosé fan, and my favorites are the Pomelo Sauvignon Blanc and Pomelo Rosé. They are so smooth, delicious, and really great quality! Also, they are very well priced! If you’re interested in trying Pomelo Wines you can click here to go to their website and purchase wine online or you can find them at your local grocery store (check to make sure they are available near you).

Thank you Pomelo Wine Co. for sponsoring this post!